No javascript ETIC | Visual Effects & 3D Animation Course Visual Effects & 3D Animation – ETIC

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    Visual Effects & 3D Animation

    Bachelor Degree (Top up Year / 1 Year)

    DURATION: 2 years - 1.010 hours

    DATES: October - July

    SCHEDULE: Mon-Fri 9H-13H

    PARTICIPANTS: 8-16 Students

    LANGUAGE: Portuguese

    FORMAT: Project classes on location. Including online classes.



    Moving image is everywhere, linked to the varied platforms and digital media. The ongoing content production and communication through these media is made mostly by the creative industries. In this context, the Higher Nationals course in Animation and Visual Effects provides a curriculum that will give students technical knowledge, creative and planning tools that will allow them to find their path through this multiple area.

    The animation techniques and visual effects will be applied in projects where the student will also create the characters or objects to animate, choosing the technique and aesthetics that are more adequate to the piece that is being developed. This objective implies developing the knowledge on crucial tools such as: Graphic and 2D animation creation software; 3D modulation and animation; video caption and post-production; experimentation with stop-motion and motion control and with a multi camera television studio for motion capture and chroma-key exercises.

    The objective of the course entails, simultaneously, working on a technical component, permanently articulated with a creative and authorial component. Creative process learning, Strategic vision development, Storytelling ability and the ongoing widening of visual culture will allow the technician and the author to create pertinent contents. Professionals that can participate in different work areas will arise from this course.

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