No javascript ETIC | Audiovisual Production Course Audiovisual Production – ETIC

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    Audiovisual Production

    Annual Courses

    Duration: 330 hours

    Dates: October to July

    Schedule: Mon to Fri / 14H-18H

    Participants: 8 - 16 students

    Language: Portuguese

    Format: Project classes on location. Including online classes.



    Production is making it happen. The Producer is the engine of the audiovisual professional team. This course opens doors to the fascinating world of content production for television, film, advertisement or for digital platforms. In just 1 year, you become able to initiate a career as a Producer. Integrated in a team with several specialities, student’s present their works to a professional jury of the industry that will give a technical and creative feedback and tips about the vast world of the audiovisual. Students participate in cultural events and festivals where, beside practising with a real professional, they will create contacts that can create work opportunities.

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